My youngest daughter is 15 months old. I love to watch her
as she roams around our home. Her eyes are ever searching for some new object
she has yet to explore. At her young age, she is more observant than I expect
her to be. She finds every piece of fuzz on the living room carpet. She notices
the smallest changes in her environment.
For instance, a new book sitting on my desk caught her eye
yesterday. Before I could intervene, she pulled every item her little hands
could reach down to the floor in hopes of grabbing the new book.
When she discovers new uncharted items, she is persistent in
pursuing any course of action to get access to them. Since discovering my new
book I have needed to remove her from my office area repeatedly. However, she
keeps returning with unwavering determination to read my book. (Guess who had
to move the book?)
Her constant searching and drive to discover makes me wonder
if this quality is one Jesus had in mind when He told His followers that anyone
not willing to receive God’s Kingdom like a little child would not enter it
(Mark 10:15). Does God desire me to search after Him with the same drive and persistence?
I am attempting to approach the Kingdom like my daughter
approaches life. Here are a few areas in which I have set new goals.
When faced with troubling circumstances, I will
not dwell on the negatives. I will look for evidence of God at work because I
know He is in control.
As I open my Bible to read, I will search for
detail I have not noticed before. I will expect God to speak to me in new and
fresh ways.
While completing my daily routines, I will take
note of God’s provision and thank Him for His faithfulness.
When working with difficult people, I will
search for ways to reflect God’s love and mercy.