Friday, April 30, 2010

In the Silence

As I was traveling the other day, I found myself in that place on the journey where the radio station I was listening to was starting to fade. Rather than push scan and search for another station, I simply pushed the 'off' button and drove a while in the silence. This is an unusual occurence for me. I much prefer to make the drive singing along to contemporary christian music or listening to a good program on the radio.

As I drove along in the silence, I became aware of noises my car was making. I could clearly hear a low humming. As I strained to hear the hum, I also noticed a faint ticking sound. I listened intently and began to worder if the sounds were normal. Was this the way my car always sounded? Should I be concerned? I had to admit that I didn't have a clue because I had not taken time to listen before.

As I continued on in the near silence, wondering if I would even make it to my destination, I couldn't help but think of my own life. As a mother that works full time, I am constantly on the go. I have a calendar that is bustling with family, work, and ministry-minded activities. These responsibilities, in addition to my studying and writing for Response to Grace Ministries, keep my days filled to the brim.

While I enjoy being busy and tend to thrive in this environment, I realized I very rarely take the time to put everything aside and sit in the silence. Sometimes the silence is unsettling. When I sit in the silence, I am forced to take notice of the things that are easily hidden in the noise of life. A hurt that I haven't allowed God to heal. An offense that I have refused to let go.

And while I am fearful of what I might learn about my innerself, I take courage in the fact that God is also there with me in the silence. In 1 Kings chapter 19, I am reminded how Elijah looked for Yahweh in the wind, but He was not there. Yahweh was not present in the earthquake or the fire. Instead, Yahweh presented Himself to Elijah and spoke to him in a gentle whisper.

Besides coming face to face with things of self that need attention, it is in the silence I come face to face with a Redeemer that is able to speak healing and wholeness into my life. If I am not willing to stay awhile in the silence, I will never experience the full extent of healing that is available to me there. While I am tempted to turn back and hide myself in the bustle of life, I know that the hard work that accompanies the silence will produce a harvest in my life. It is when I truly relinguish these hidden struggles to God, that I experience His power and know that He is God.

"Be still, and know that I am God"
Psalm 46:10a, NIV