The other day I was caught by surprise. It was one of those small things in life that brightened my entire day. I was busy with my daily chores when my son came around the corner with a big smile on his face. He walked right up to me and gave me a huge hug. After returning the hug, I stepped back and looked in his sweet face. I waited for the request I knew was sure to come.
When my son was younger, he loved to climb up on my lap. We would spend time snuggled up-talking, reading, and simply enjoying the time we had together. Although he blossomed in the attention he received from me, the affection was not one sided. My son got so much pleasure in showering me with love. My old journal has evidence of those days tucked within its pages. A dried flower he brought to me. A simple drawing he made of us. Special things he did to show me he loved me.
Over the years, as my son grew toward independence, things began to slowly change. His kisses all but disappeared. The tokens of affection I received were far less. His attention toward me became more self-serving. He needed me to drive him here and there. He needed me to wash his favorite shirt. Although his need of me was very obvious, his love for me was not. The hugs and kisses I did receive usually accompanied a request of some kind. I found myself longing for the days when his affection was given freely and without motive.
I couldn't help but wonder if my heavenly Father feels the same. How often do I take time to curl up on His lap just because of my desire to spend time with Him and shower Him with love? When I am honest, I must admit that I most often go to Him with needs and requests. While He knows I love Him, I wonder if He longs for days past when I was more giving with my affections.
How about you? Has your relationship with Christ lost its original passion and turned into something more self-serving? When was the last time you came to Him for no other reason but to spend time with Him and shower Him with love? While God doesn't begrudge our needs and petitions, He delights in a heart that comes to Him in purest worship and adoration.
I have made a renewed commitment to take time to daily curl up on His lap. He deserves more from me than a quickly spoken word of love coupled with yet another request. He alone is worthy of my greatest affection and praise. In addition, the affection is never one-sided. I find that in His lap I blossom the most. I always leave fuller than when I came.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Poison Ivy
Several mornings past, I woke up with a small irritation. I had a patch of skin that was dry and itchy. I smoothed on some of my favorite lotion and went on with my day. However, the lotion didn't seem to work and my area of irritation began to spread. By the end of the following day, it was clear to me that my problem was more serious than dry skin alone.
Much to my dismay, the small patch of dry skin grew into a much larger patch of red blisters that itched like crazy. This was no small irritation. It was poison ivy- a battle I had encountered before. I was bewildered. How did I manage to contract poison ivy?
A quick inventory of the last few days provided my answer. I remembered stepping off the walking trail at my local park to admire a flower I had not immediately recognized. Because I have known the evils of poison ivy in the past, I had been careful. I hadn't reached down to touch the flower. I knew better than that. I had only stepped close to take a peek. Apparently, because of my sensitivity, I should have remained on the trail.
As I dug through my cabinet to find an appropriate remedy, I was reminded of my spiritual propensity to wander. Matthew 7:14 reads "narrow is the road that leads to life". I have committed to walk this road with Christ, yet I admit I have wandered from the path in attempt to look more closely at something that attracted my attention. More often than not, the times I wandered produced irritation and poison in my life.
In what area(s) are you most sensitive to the poisons of the world? When are you most prone to wander?
Honest reflection helped me identify other stretches in the journey that have been most peaceful. During those times, I have purposefully walked past many distractions. I was able to do so because my eyes were fixed upon the road ahead and on the One who led the way.
In addition, knowledge of the Word helps me to better prepare for the journey. Everything I'll ever need to walk along the narrow path is provided for me. While I read and apply the instructions God has shared with me, I also come to know my travel companion in a more real and intimate way. When I walk in awe of the One who has beckoned me come, I am not easily distracted by the things the world can offer.
How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word.
I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands.
Psalm 119:9-10
Much to my dismay, the small patch of dry skin grew into a much larger patch of red blisters that itched like crazy. This was no small irritation. It was poison ivy- a battle I had encountered before. I was bewildered. How did I manage to contract poison ivy?
A quick inventory of the last few days provided my answer. I remembered stepping off the walking trail at my local park to admire a flower I had not immediately recognized. Because I have known the evils of poison ivy in the past, I had been careful. I hadn't reached down to touch the flower. I knew better than that. I had only stepped close to take a peek. Apparently, because of my sensitivity, I should have remained on the trail.
As I dug through my cabinet to find an appropriate remedy, I was reminded of my spiritual propensity to wander. Matthew 7:14 reads "narrow is the road that leads to life". I have committed to walk this road with Christ, yet I admit I have wandered from the path in attempt to look more closely at something that attracted my attention. More often than not, the times I wandered produced irritation and poison in my life.
In what area(s) are you most sensitive to the poisons of the world? When are you most prone to wander?
Honest reflection helped me identify other stretches in the journey that have been most peaceful. During those times, I have purposefully walked past many distractions. I was able to do so because my eyes were fixed upon the road ahead and on the One who led the way.
In addition, knowledge of the Word helps me to better prepare for the journey. Everything I'll ever need to walk along the narrow path is provided for me. While I read and apply the instructions God has shared with me, I also come to know my travel companion in a more real and intimate way. When I walk in awe of the One who has beckoned me come, I am not easily distracted by the things the world can offer.
How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word.
I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands.
Psalm 119:9-10
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