Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Hands That Grab

A lot has changed since my last blog. My little girl has grown into an active five month old. It has been a joy to experience this stage of motherhood again. Having older children too, each milestone with Lea has provided new memories and allowed me to revisit old ones as well.

Lea has reached the age where everything looks inviting. Her little hands reach out to grab onto anything available: a toy within her grasp, the mobile over her head, and my hands when I reach for her. She latches on with surprising strength and holds tight. Getting an object away from her can be quite a task.

Most times, I encourage her and praise her efforts, but not always. Sometimes her little hands reach for things that could cause her pain. Objects with sharp edges and extreme temperatures are a few items I have to remove from her reach. Other times her hands reach out to grab and accidentally cause another pain. The time she grabbed her cousin's hair and wouldn't let go was somewhat traumatic for them both. Lea has not yet learned what objects can be trusted and what items need to be avoided. That knowledge will develop over time. On the other hand, I have the knowledge needed to keep her safe. It is my job to protect her.

Even as adults, we are reaching for objects that make themselves available to us. The items adults find desirable look much different. Material possessions, meaningful relationships, and financial security are a few examples. Some items are safe and healthy. Others have the potential to cause pain to ourselves and those around us. While experience might help us in making choices, the Bible reminds us that the wisdom of man doesn't always result in the wisest choice. Our Heavenly Father has the wisdom we need to know which items to pursue and which items to avoid. James 1:5 tells us God is willing to impart His wisdom to any who asks Him for it. In addition to wisdom, God has provided other items He desires us to reach out and take hold of.

Here is a small sample.

But perfect love drives out fear... 1 John 4:18

May the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. 2 Thessalonians 3:16

Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete. John 16:14

What items are you striving to gain hold of today? Are they worldly items or things of God? Holding on to the things of God is always safe. If your life is not full of joy and peace, maybe you need to reach for them. Your Savior offers them to you today. Grab ahold and don't let go.