Saturday, December 25, 2010

New Year, New Plan

Most everyone views the start of another year as a chance at a new beginning. Vows are made to break old habits, start healthy traditions, restore broken relationships, and begin anew. We look toward the future with expectancy and hope.

The spirit of the New Year bleeds over into the Christian world as well. Pastors cast new visions for thier congregations. One year Bible reading plans are printed and distributed. People inspire to be more faithful and get more involved. We dream big and quote verses to stir excitement.

Here is one such verse from Ephesians. Now unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. (Ephesians 3:20)

As we plan to strengthen our disciplines and better our situations, we subconsciously hope God is gearing up for big things too. We wonder if this will be the year God comes through for us.

This year will God bring revival? Supply a better job? Heal a dear friend from cancer? Save a lost loved one? Will He, this year?

A closer look at the context surrounding our key verse from Ephesians reveals a simple, yet profound, fact about God's plans. While man prioritizes outward things, God prioritizes an inward work. We focus on our surroundings and circumstances, but God's first desire is to do an internal work in our lives.

Before we can understand the what God desires to do in Ephesians 3:20, we must first look at the preceeding verses to determine the where God wants to minister. The where in verse 16 is 'the inner man'. Verse 17 talks about 'in your hearts'. Our key verse of Ephesians 3:20 clearly ends with 'in us'.

Does this mean God will not move physical mountains for us? Absolutely not. But it does reveal that the promise made in Ephesians 3:20 is more closely related to the workings of the Holy Spirit in our spiritual lives, not just miracles for our life conditions.

This upcoming year, why not turn the focus toward your inner man? Instead of hoping God will work in your life circumstances, why not give Him full rein to do an internal work in you? More than anything else, God wants to minister HIMSELF to you. If you turn all of you over to His Spirit within you, He'll do an inner work that exceeds anything you could ask or think.

Friday, December 24, 2010


I was recently perplexed as I witnessed an over-the-road trucker stuffing his groceries into his tractor-trailer. A struggle with his carts, as he pushed one and pulled the other, got my attention in the first place. But what amazed me was he dragged each cart past his shiny red sleeper extended cab and opened a door to the trailer. Even more perplexing was the fact he was currently hauling a trailer that transports pigs.

Living in the Central United States, these large trailers, termed 'pig trucks' by my children, frequently travel the highway which weaves through our small town. Over the years, when my son has seen such a truck approaching, he'd shout out a resounding warning "Pig Truck!" and quickly hold his nose.

My senses have experienced several pig trucks up close and personal. The memories made me shudder in disgust as I watched the man pile groceries and other necessities into the filth of his trailer. What was he thinking? All his food would surely be contaminated. I couldn't explain the logic behind his actions.

As I continued to watch in amazement, I was reminded how God had executed a similar action. In order to redeem us, God chose to live among us. Jesus saw our sin with human eyes, and rubbed shoulders with our filth. Yet, Christ gave Himself as a spotless lamb untainted by our world. What mind would have ever thought of such a plan?

But God's plan didn't stop there. He chose to place His Spirit, a gift sacred and holy, into fallen man. Before He enters to do His inner work, the heart and life of each man is filled with filth. Each could be judged and the following sentence declared-

Unfit. Dirty. Unworthy. Condemned. Fit for destruction.

Hallelujah, God's plan overthrows the condemning sentence. In Him, we can be created anew. He can declare us-

Cleansed. Beautiful. Righteous. Forgiven. Chosen.

I know this illogical story to be true. I have experienced it myself. Yet, I still find it hard to fully comprehend. Oh, the mystery of God's plan! What wondrous grace and mercy it displays. Although I cannot reason it out, I long for the day it is finally complete and I will bow before His throne. I will be cleansed, wearing a robe of salvation which is white as snow.

Ah, sinful nation, a people loaded with guilt, a brood of evildoers, children given to corruption! They have forsaken the LORD; they have spurned the Holy One of Israel and turned their backs on him.

"Come now, let us reason together," says the LORD. "though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow."

Isaiah 1:4,18

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Renewed Reverence

I walked through the Old City of Jerusalem toward the Western Wall in amazement. I still could not believe God had blessed me with the gift of traveling to His city and walking among His people. What a beautiful people they were.

At the Western Wall, I observed the people as they lifted prayers toward heaven. Each person stood in reverence swaying as they conversed with God. I discovered later that a devout Jew will remain in constant movement while in the Presence of Jehovah. A simple, but effective way, to remind himself that idleness and complacency are not what He desires.

With my interest piqued, I continued to watch and observe and found there are many ways the Jewish people demonstrate an uncomparable respect for the Only True God. A practicing Jew will not speak the name of God. Rather than saying the name aloud, Jewish people refer to Yahweh with the Hebrew term, Hashem, which literally means The Name. This substitue is used because they believe His name is too precious to causually roll from common and unworthy lips.

In writings by a Jew, you will not find the various names of God (including Hashem, YHVH, Elohim, and El Shaddai) written in their complete forms. For example, God is written as G-d. If God's name is recorded onto a piece of paper, there is the possibility that The Name will be disrespected, such as being erased, defaced by being crossed out or scribbled upon, torn, thrown in the trash, or ravaged in some other way.

I realize these outward demonstrations cannot effectively reflect the intent of the heart. Even while adhering to these customs, a Jew's thoughts and heart may be far from God. But as I witnessed these practices, I couldn't help but examine my own life.

I don't have to travel to an ancient wall to feel near the presence of Almighty God. This holy God came to earth as man and gave His life for mine. His Spirit now resides within me. He is with me continually, even when I am unaware. I love to praise His name aloud. When faced with a problem, my first reaction is to speak His name.

Unfortunately, constant companionship can cause me to treat this relationship as if it is commonplace. Oh, what an error! This relationship is the greatest gift I will ever receive. While God has called me His friend, I must never forget who He is.

He is Almighty God. The only True God.
He has always been. He will always be.
He is Truth and Justice.
He has made all my eyes can see and beyond.
He is more than I can wrap my mind around.
He is Holy. He is mine because He gave Himself freely.
His position and person demands my reverence.

He commanded them, saying, "Thus you shall act in the fear of the Lord, faithfully and with a loyal heart." 2 Chronicles 19:9

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Proverbs 9:10

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Choose Your Words Wisely

I went to a shower recently were a bridesmaid carefully recorded every statement the bride utterred as she opened her gifts. After the bride finished, the bridesmaid read her comments aloud for all to hear. The guests sat and giggled in appreciation as they listened to her numerous statements of surprise and gratitude. She must have said "Oh, I love it" a hundred times!

I couldn't help but wonder what might be recorded if someone did the same to me. I concluded my words might not be too offensive on a day things were going my way. It is easier to smile and speak kindness on easy days. But would I be embarrassed by my words on a day full of tests and tribulation?

I often forget the power my words possess. I have the ability to speak words that inspire and increase faith in those around me. I have the ability to speak blessings and life while encouraging a brother or sister to stay the course. I have the ability to build up my family, my friends, and all those around me. But with this power also comes the ability to tear down, discourage, and even hurt those who fallen within earshot.

In fact, the power of my words extends beyond direct comments to a person. Even when talking about the challenges in life or a specific situation, my words produce an effect. While I might not speak direct slander, the words from my mouth can be destructive. Do I search out the positive in each and every situation and comment accordingly? Do I see and speak with a godly perspective? Or do my words reveal opinions and thougths viewed through a wordly lens? How conscious am I about speaking blessings rather than complaints and strife?

My statements alone will reveal the innermost condition of my heart. If I choose to honor this power I have been granted, I will submit my thoughts and my tongue to His control. God's desire is for our actions and our statements to glorify Him. Friend, ask Him to give you a clean heart, renew in you a right spirit, and help you choose your words wisely!

"With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursings. My brothers, this should not be." James 3:9-10

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Ineffective Grace?

I love it when I study and God highlights something in His word. Something I have never noticed before. Something that stops me in my tracks and makes me really think about my own faith walk.

"For I am the least of the apostles, unworthy to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. But by God's grace I am what I am, and His grace towards me was not ineffective." 1 Corinthians 15:9-10

I have encountered many things in life that have been ineffective. The strips I bought from my dentist to brighten my teeth didn't seem to do the job. The plan I developed to keep my house tidy with just 10 minutes a day didn't produced the desired effect either. But ineffective grace? Can there be such a thing? I couldn't help but ponder Paul's words. What was he trying to convey to me? What warning for my own life is nestled into his writing?

My trusty Webster dictionary has the following entry for ineffective:
ineffective: adj, 1) Not causing an intended effect 2) Incapable of performing efficiently

I know and am convinced that God is capable of any and all things. His grace is perfect and when applied to a life it is efficiently effective. So, can God's grace be ineffective as Paul suggests? God is faithful to do His part and He cannot mess up. However, I am not perfect. Is there a way I can alter the intended effect God desires grace to produce in my life?

I noticed Paul wrote about ineffective grace in the context of his past mistakes and feelings of unworthiness. Yet, Paul testifies that he has overcome his past. He is what he is because God's grace.

I began to think of my own past. While I am convinced of my salvation, I am not always sure of my worthiness. There are many things in my past which bring me shame. As the Spirit ministered to my heart I realized, at times, I have allowed grace to be ineffective in my life.

God's grace is sufficient to wash me white as snow. Christ's righteousness becomes my own and puts me in right standing before God. With His blood applied to my life, I am worthy. If I believe this to be Truth, why do I so readily doubt? Often, I fail to apply God's grace to every aspect of my life and every area of my heart. When I fail to apply grace fully, I hinder God's grace and it is unable to have the full intended effect in my life.

Everytime I pass up an opportunity to minister to another sister because I feel unworthy, I have rendered grace ineffective.

Everytime I allow the Devil to speak lies to me regarding my past, burdening my heart once again, I have rendered grace ineffective.

Everytime I open old wounds and refuse to allow God to completely heal my hurts, I render His grace ineffective.

My list could go on and on. While God's grace is sufficient, it's effectiveness is dependent on how much or little I apply. What about you? Is there an area in your life that you have hindered God's work? Have you sprinkled your life with grace, but failed to be completely washed?

Take a minute today to examine the effectiveness of God's grace in your life. Have you allowed Him to make you completely into the person He desires you to be? Don't let His grace be ineffective in your life. Let Him wash you anew each morning in His grace.

Dear Lord,
Help me to become all You intend for me to be. Help me to grow beyond my past and my doubts and to allow Your Grace to be fully effective in every area of my life.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Unconditional Blessing

Not long ago, my daughter asked to have two friends sleep over. I readily consented with the only instruction that she clean her room before they arrived. She promised she would and skipped off to make the necessary phone calls. As the date neared, I noticed that her room was not yet clean and reminded her of my request. She again promised it was on her to-do list.

Just hours before her friends arrived, I was disappointed to find her room still in disarray. Although I considered canceling her plans, I decided to extend mercy. Not only was my daughter looking forward to the night, but her two friends were as well. I did not have the heart to call and tell the friends they could not come.

Later that evening, one mother called to check on her daughter and tell her goodnight. Before hanging up, the mother asked if my daughter would like to come over to their house the following evening to swim. I explained that it depended on the condition of her room. I explained the situation and that I had decided not to continue pestering her to comply. I would simply wait to see how long it took for the job to be completed.

Needless to say, my daughter missed out on several opportunities because of her lack of discipline. It took several days, but she discovered her failure to comply with my request had resulted in an inability to participate in several outings with her friends. Her disobedience had a direct correlation to freedoms and experiences I allowed her to enjoyed.

My life often resembles my daughter's messy room. I can't seem to keep everything tidy and in order. I fail to make Godly decisions, I create turmoil in my relationships, and I simply fail to glorify and properly portray my heavenly Father. However, He has given me plenty of instruction. His instruction, whether written or spoken through a human vessel, reveals how to deal with and effectively remedy any mess. But, like my daughter, I do not obey as well as I could. Even then, I often lack the discipline to get the work done in a timely fashion.

How sad to think some Christians believe God deals with people in the same manner I used with my daughter. Fortunately, God cannot be compared to you and me. And in our human understanding, His ways are sometimes hard to comprehend

Many believe that blessings in Christ are based on obedience and discipline. Earthly fathers often withhold blessings when a child has disappointed or angered them. My heavenly Father is faithful even when I am not. He supplies mercy in great abundance. He does not wait for me to get my life in order before He extends grace, love and blessings. For that I am so very grateful.

But You, O LORD, are a God full of compassion, and gracious, longsuffering and abundant in mercy and truth.
Psalm 86:15

Friday, July 23, 2010

Safe and Sound

Several days ago, I met a good friend at a local restaurant. As I pulled into the parking lot, I noticed storm clouds in the distance. I checked to make sure both our car windows were up and went on in to find her. We enjoyed a long chat. She shared what God was doing in her life. I talked about some of the happenings in my own.

As we sat and visited, the storm rolled in. The sky outside the window grew increasingly dark. The winds picked up and the rains beat down. Once, the lights inside the restaurant flickered off and we sat in darkness for a few seconds. However, the storm outside did not interrupt our conversation at all. We remained secure and dry in the safety of the restaurant. After our hour had expired and the storm had passed, I left my friend feeling encouraged and refreshed.

As I drove home, I was shocked at the amount of damage caused by the storm. Roads were blocked from uprooted trees and power lines had fallen. Houses were missing sections of roof and vehicles sat crunched under broken limbs. I had to take a lengthy detour just to get to my house. From the looks of the damage, it was clear tornado-like winds had accompanied the storm through our small town.

I smiled at how oblivious my friend and I had been to the dangers around us. We had watched the storm from a safe place. It had not produced undo stress or worry. We felt protected.

My relationship with God is also a safe place. Like most, I have watched numerous storms roll into my life. Not just refreshing rain showers, but violent storms capable of causing lasting damage. Yet, when I rest in the safety my heavenly Father provides, He shelters me from the dangers and stress of life. He provides a safe and secure place to wait out the storm. I experience peace in the protection He provides.

My Father also blesses me with Godly friendships that provide a similar safety. I am so grateful for the relationships He has planted in my life. Friends to provide encouragement and support. Girlfriends that will challenge me, correct me, and speak Truth as they counsel me. People who love me through my mistakes and provide a safe place for me to be real and expose my brokenness.

Where do you turn when you see dark clouds approaching? Do you know that Jesus awaits with open arms to pull you into safety? Cry out to Him and He will hear your call. He desires to provide your every need.

Are you already secure in a relationship with Christ? If so, there is no need to search for any other means of protection. He is all you need. Rest in Him until the storm clouds pass you by. His arms provide safety and warmth, peace and protection, and above all, love and eternal life.

How lovely is Your dwelling place, LORD of Hosts.
Even a sparrow finds a home, and a swallow, a nest for herself where she places her young-
near Your altars, LORD of Hosts, my King and my God.
How happy are those who reside in Your house, who praise you continually. Selah.
Psalm 84:1,3-4

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Highlights

In reading through the Bible this year, I recently started through the long lists of OT kings that led the divided nation of Israel. At the same time, my study partner, Susan, and I were studying the kings. Susan and I agreed the names can be confusing and hard to pronounce. The dates of their reigns seem to overlap and we couldn't seem to keep them all straight. But, in spite of my confusion, God was able to teach me a valuable lesson.

Susan was quick to point out the following things. Many times in Scripture God gives us a detailed description of a life. With these many kings, that didn't seem to be the case. What she did notice was that God gave the same information for the many kings listed. He thought it important to share with us the highlights.

What God was purposeful in sharing was the following things:
- The dates and major details of their reigns.
- The major battles each faced, listing defeats and victories.
- Their use (or misuse) of the power He gave them.
- Thier faithfulness or lack thereof.

As we sat and discussed these facts, we realized that it was this same information that mattered most in our lives. While I am busy living life from day to day, I gander the heavenly scribes are making notes on the important highlights of my life. In between the dates of my birth and death, I'm sure they are recording the major battles I have faced. I pray I have experienced more victories than defeats. Sometimes it is hard to step back and let Him fight for me. I'm now convinced they are recording how I use the power He has given me. I long to show myself a worthy parent, friend and leader. He has placed many in my path of influence and I need to be continually aware of the power that brings. And, finally, I hope to remain faithful, no matter what life seems to throw my way.

More than any earthly crown, I want to earn a crown of righteousness on that great judgement day. When God looks back over the highlights of my life, I hope His heart is filled with pride and His face breaks into a smile. I wait to hear Him say "Well done, thou good and faithful servant."

Friday, June 11, 2010

Bloom Where You Are Planted, Then Bloom Again

Several weeks ago, the backyard was covered in a spray of color. My spring flowers had been well-watered from the gentle rains and stood tall and proud of their beauty. They attracted many hummingbirds and the fragrance they gave forth was well worth the effort of caring for them. But as time slipped by, the flowers began to lose their vibrant colors. Before long, all that remained was an ugly evidence that the blooms were long past.

Since the fragrance was no longer detectable and the flowers had become an eyesore, I retreated to the garage to find my clippers. With clippers in hand, I sat and carefully cut the stem of each and every wilted flower in hopes of spurring the plants to bloom once again. Even if the plants did not, I was satisfied that the plants appeared much healthier with the dead parts removed.

Several days passed and I noticed the plants had produced another round of small buds. Obviously, removing the dead flowers and stems had allowed the plants to focus on producing new growth. In several days, I am expecting my yard to once again be filled with beautiful, fragrant flowers and the benefits that accompany them.

As I look forward to enjoying new flowers, I can't help but wonder what area of my own life needs pruning. While I am happy to bloom where I am planted, I often resist when the Master Gardener takes out his pruners to remove what was once beautiful and fragrant, but has lost its luster. Although the pruning is uncomfortable for a time, the result is a life that is able to bloom again, bring glory to the Father.

"I am the true vine, and My Father is the vineyard keeper. Every branch in Me that does not produce fruit He removes, and He prunes every branch that pruduces fruit so that it will produce more fruit."

John 15: 1-2, HCSB

Sunday, June 6, 2010

While I'm Waiting

I can be a very impatient person. I know what I want and I am not one to sit around and wait for things to happen. I like to make things happen. I like to be in control. I get anxious when I am forced to wait.

Yet, waiting seems to be a part of my life everyday. I wait for my children. I wait for my husband. I even find myself waiting for people I do not even know. However, these times seem trivial when compared to some of the eternal things I find myself waiting for. You see, I often find myself waiting on God.

Today I am waiting on healing for a mentor and friend. I am waiting on deliverance from temptations that I cannot escape on my own. I am waiting on answers to prayers first prayed years ago. And the list goes on and on.

I look to the Scriptures to find encouragement. Early in the book of Genesis, I find I am not the only one who had to learn to patiently wait on God. Let me share a few examples-

  • Abraham waited 25 years before his promised son was conceived.
  • Joseph waited 13 years for deliverance from slavery and imprisonment.
  • Moses wonder why God has sparred his life for 80 years before God spoke to him from the burning bush to give him direction and purpose.
  • The Hebrew people left Egypt after 430 years of waiting for God's mighty hand of deliverance.
The Scriptures are full of believers who faithfully waited on God's purpose and plan. His plan was perfect every time. I pray that I can learn to do the same.

Even if I cannot clearly see the path I must take, I still desire to walk obediently. I pray for a heart that will draw close to Him and offer sincere worship while I wait. Although I cannot know or begin to understand the details of His plan, I can rest assured in His purpose. Besides drawing encouragement from the examples in Scripture, I can also find countless verses that offer me hope and peace while I'm waiting.

"Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don't try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way."
James 1:2-4 The Message

"I know what I am doing. I have it all planned out-plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for."
Jeremiah 29:11 The Message

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Just Because

The other day I was caught by surprise. It was one of those small things in life that brightened my entire day. I was busy with my daily chores when my son came around the corner with a big smile on his face. He walked right up to me and gave me a huge hug. After returning the hug, I stepped back and looked in his sweet face. I waited for the request I knew was sure to come.

When my son was younger, he loved to climb up on my lap. We would spend time snuggled up-talking, reading, and simply enjoying the time we had together. Although he blossomed in the attention he received from me, the affection was not one sided. My son got so much pleasure in showering me with love. My old journal has evidence of those days tucked within its pages. A dried flower he brought to me. A simple drawing he made of us. Special things he did to show me he loved me.

Over the years, as my son grew toward independence, things began to slowly change. His kisses all but disappeared. The tokens of affection I received were far less. His attention toward me became more self-serving. He needed me to drive him here and there. He needed me to wash his favorite shirt. Although his need of me was very obvious, his love for me was not. The hugs and kisses I did receive usually accompanied a request of some kind. I found myself longing for the days when his affection was given freely and without motive.

I couldn't help but wonder if my heavenly Father feels the same. How often do I take time to curl up on His lap just because of my desire to spend time with Him and shower Him with love? When I am honest, I must admit that I most often go to Him with needs and requests. While He knows I love Him, I wonder if He longs for days past when I was more giving with my affections.

How about you? Has your relationship with Christ lost its original passion and turned into something more self-serving? When was the last time you came to Him for no other reason but to spend time with Him and shower Him with love? While God doesn't begrudge our needs and petitions, He delights in a heart that comes to Him in purest worship and adoration.

I have made a renewed commitment to take time to daily curl up on His lap. He deserves more from me than a quickly spoken word of love coupled with yet another request. He alone is worthy of my greatest affection and praise. In addition, the affection is never one-sided. I find that in His lap I blossom the most. I always leave fuller than when I came.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Poison Ivy

Several mornings past, I woke up with a small irritation. I had a patch of skin that was dry and itchy. I smoothed on some of my favorite lotion and went on with my day. However, the lotion didn't seem to work and my area of irritation began to spread. By the end of the following day, it was clear to me that my problem was more serious than dry skin alone.

Much to my dismay, the small patch of dry skin grew into a much larger patch of red blisters that itched like crazy. This was no small irritation. It was poison ivy- a battle I had encountered before. I was bewildered. How did I manage to contract poison ivy?

A quick inventory of the last few days provided my answer. I remembered stepping off the walking trail at my local park to admire a flower I had not immediately recognized. Because I have known the evils of poison ivy in the past, I had been careful. I hadn't reached down to touch the flower. I knew better than that. I had only stepped close to take a peek. Apparently, because of my sensitivity, I should have remained on the trail.

As I dug through my cabinet to find an appropriate remedy, I was reminded of my spiritual propensity to wander. Matthew 7:14 reads "narrow is the road that leads to life". I have committed to walk this road with Christ, yet I admit I have wandered from the path in attempt to look more closely at something that attracted my attention. More often than not, the times I wandered produced irritation and poison in my life.

In what area(s) are you most sensitive to the poisons of the world? When are you most prone to wander?

Honest reflection helped me identify other stretches in the journey that have been most peaceful. During those times, I have purposefully walked past many distractions. I was able to do so because my eyes were fixed upon the road ahead and on the One who led the way.

In addition, knowledge of the Word helps me to better prepare for the journey. Everything I'll ever need to walk along the narrow path is provided for me. While I read and apply the instructions God has shared with me, I also come to know my travel companion in a more real and intimate way. When I walk in awe of the One who has beckoned me come, I am not easily distracted by the things the world can offer.

How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word.
I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands.
Psalm 119:9-10

Friday, April 30, 2010

In the Silence

As I was traveling the other day, I found myself in that place on the journey where the radio station I was listening to was starting to fade. Rather than push scan and search for another station, I simply pushed the 'off' button and drove a while in the silence. This is an unusual occurence for me. I much prefer to make the drive singing along to contemporary christian music or listening to a good program on the radio.

As I drove along in the silence, I became aware of noises my car was making. I could clearly hear a low humming. As I strained to hear the hum, I also noticed a faint ticking sound. I listened intently and began to worder if the sounds were normal. Was this the way my car always sounded? Should I be concerned? I had to admit that I didn't have a clue because I had not taken time to listen before.

As I continued on in the near silence, wondering if I would even make it to my destination, I couldn't help but think of my own life. As a mother that works full time, I am constantly on the go. I have a calendar that is bustling with family, work, and ministry-minded activities. These responsibilities, in addition to my studying and writing for Response to Grace Ministries, keep my days filled to the brim.

While I enjoy being busy and tend to thrive in this environment, I realized I very rarely take the time to put everything aside and sit in the silence. Sometimes the silence is unsettling. When I sit in the silence, I am forced to take notice of the things that are easily hidden in the noise of life. A hurt that I haven't allowed God to heal. An offense that I have refused to let go.

And while I am fearful of what I might learn about my innerself, I take courage in the fact that God is also there with me in the silence. In 1 Kings chapter 19, I am reminded how Elijah looked for Yahweh in the wind, but He was not there. Yahweh was not present in the earthquake or the fire. Instead, Yahweh presented Himself to Elijah and spoke to him in a gentle whisper.

Besides coming face to face with things of self that need attention, it is in the silence I come face to face with a Redeemer that is able to speak healing and wholeness into my life. If I am not willing to stay awhile in the silence, I will never experience the full extent of healing that is available to me there. While I am tempted to turn back and hide myself in the bustle of life, I know that the hard work that accompanies the silence will produce a harvest in my life. It is when I truly relinguish these hidden struggles to God, that I experience His power and know that He is God.

"Be still, and know that I am God"
Psalm 46:10a, NIV

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Reconstruction Project

What has your response to grace looked like lately? Are you continually letting Christ make you more like Him? Are you finding the journey toward Christ-like character is a challenging one? I'm committed to growing in Christ, but I've found the work is not always easy. At times, it can be down right painful.

Today was one such day. Today, God was gracious enough to reveal to me my prideful spirit. I can't say I enjoyed it, but I did ask for it. Literally. Because my desire is to be like Christ, I have given Him full rein to move me from the place I currently reside to the place He desires and needs for me to be.

Therefore, God and I are working on a reconstruction project. Reconstruction is a specialty with God. He can take the barely-standing structure that humans call life and remodel it from the inside out. I discovered when I invited God to partner with me in change, He participated fully. When I told Him I wanted to be more like Him, He took me at my word.

Remodeling can be quite an undertaking. Believe me when I say looking at the deep places inside- my deepest longings, my fears, why I do the things I do- has uncovered an ugly mess. But He hasn't yet decided that I am not worth all the effort. And, I am not fearful that He will. He can see how beautiful the end project could be.

In fact, after the extremely hard work he had me do today, I am convinced even more that He loves me. He sees what I can be in Him and His dreams for me are far above and beyond what I can ever begin to imagine. This is why He is so good to reveal to me the real me. So I can continue to work towards what I am destined to become.

As I work day to day to complete the plans He has laid out for me, He is working on a construction project all His own. When my hard work is finally finished and my time on earth is done, I am moving into a mansion on a street made of gold that He completed just for me. I can hardly wait to get there!

I hope you will give Him permission to do a little remodeling in your life. The end product and the relationship you build as you work together are beyond compare.

"For I know the plans I have for you" declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11