Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Renewed Reverence

I walked through the Old City of Jerusalem toward the Western Wall in amazement. I still could not believe God had blessed me with the gift of traveling to His city and walking among His people. What a beautiful people they were.

At the Western Wall, I observed the people as they lifted prayers toward heaven. Each person stood in reverence swaying as they conversed with God. I discovered later that a devout Jew will remain in constant movement while in the Presence of Jehovah. A simple, but effective way, to remind himself that idleness and complacency are not what He desires.

With my interest piqued, I continued to watch and observe and found there are many ways the Jewish people demonstrate an uncomparable respect for the Only True God. A practicing Jew will not speak the name of God. Rather than saying the name aloud, Jewish people refer to Yahweh with the Hebrew term, Hashem, which literally means The Name. This substitue is used because they believe His name is too precious to causually roll from common and unworthy lips.

In writings by a Jew, you will not find the various names of God (including Hashem, YHVH, Elohim, and El Shaddai) written in their complete forms. For example, God is written as G-d. If God's name is recorded onto a piece of paper, there is the possibility that The Name will be disrespected, such as being erased, defaced by being crossed out or scribbled upon, torn, thrown in the trash, or ravaged in some other way.

I realize these outward demonstrations cannot effectively reflect the intent of the heart. Even while adhering to these customs, a Jew's thoughts and heart may be far from God. But as I witnessed these practices, I couldn't help but examine my own life.

I don't have to travel to an ancient wall to feel near the presence of Almighty God. This holy God came to earth as man and gave His life for mine. His Spirit now resides within me. He is with me continually, even when I am unaware. I love to praise His name aloud. When faced with a problem, my first reaction is to speak His name.

Unfortunately, constant companionship can cause me to treat this relationship as if it is commonplace. Oh, what an error! This relationship is the greatest gift I will ever receive. While God has called me His friend, I must never forget who He is.

He is Almighty God. The only True God.
He has always been. He will always be.
He is Truth and Justice.
He has made all my eyes can see and beyond.
He is more than I can wrap my mind around.
He is Holy. He is mine because He gave Himself freely.
His position and person demands my reverence.

He commanded them, saying, "Thus you shall act in the fear of the Lord, faithfully and with a loyal heart." 2 Chronicles 19:9

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Proverbs 9:10

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