Saturday, December 25, 2010

New Year, New Plan

Most everyone views the start of another year as a chance at a new beginning. Vows are made to break old habits, start healthy traditions, restore broken relationships, and begin anew. We look toward the future with expectancy and hope.

The spirit of the New Year bleeds over into the Christian world as well. Pastors cast new visions for thier congregations. One year Bible reading plans are printed and distributed. People inspire to be more faithful and get more involved. We dream big and quote verses to stir excitement.

Here is one such verse from Ephesians. Now unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. (Ephesians 3:20)

As we plan to strengthen our disciplines and better our situations, we subconsciously hope God is gearing up for big things too. We wonder if this will be the year God comes through for us.

This year will God bring revival? Supply a better job? Heal a dear friend from cancer? Save a lost loved one? Will He, this year?

A closer look at the context surrounding our key verse from Ephesians reveals a simple, yet profound, fact about God's plans. While man prioritizes outward things, God prioritizes an inward work. We focus on our surroundings and circumstances, but God's first desire is to do an internal work in our lives.

Before we can understand the what God desires to do in Ephesians 3:20, we must first look at the preceeding verses to determine the where God wants to minister. The where in verse 16 is 'the inner man'. Verse 17 talks about 'in your hearts'. Our key verse of Ephesians 3:20 clearly ends with 'in us'.

Does this mean God will not move physical mountains for us? Absolutely not. But it does reveal that the promise made in Ephesians 3:20 is more closely related to the workings of the Holy Spirit in our spiritual lives, not just miracles for our life conditions.

This upcoming year, why not turn the focus toward your inner man? Instead of hoping God will work in your life circumstances, why not give Him full rein to do an internal work in you? More than anything else, God wants to minister HIMSELF to you. If you turn all of you over to His Spirit within you, He'll do an inner work that exceeds anything you could ask or think.

Friday, December 24, 2010


I was recently perplexed as I witnessed an over-the-road trucker stuffing his groceries into his tractor-trailer. A struggle with his carts, as he pushed one and pulled the other, got my attention in the first place. But what amazed me was he dragged each cart past his shiny red sleeper extended cab and opened a door to the trailer. Even more perplexing was the fact he was currently hauling a trailer that transports pigs.

Living in the Central United States, these large trailers, termed 'pig trucks' by my children, frequently travel the highway which weaves through our small town. Over the years, when my son has seen such a truck approaching, he'd shout out a resounding warning "Pig Truck!" and quickly hold his nose.

My senses have experienced several pig trucks up close and personal. The memories made me shudder in disgust as I watched the man pile groceries and other necessities into the filth of his trailer. What was he thinking? All his food would surely be contaminated. I couldn't explain the logic behind his actions.

As I continued to watch in amazement, I was reminded how God had executed a similar action. In order to redeem us, God chose to live among us. Jesus saw our sin with human eyes, and rubbed shoulders with our filth. Yet, Christ gave Himself as a spotless lamb untainted by our world. What mind would have ever thought of such a plan?

But God's plan didn't stop there. He chose to place His Spirit, a gift sacred and holy, into fallen man. Before He enters to do His inner work, the heart and life of each man is filled with filth. Each could be judged and the following sentence declared-

Unfit. Dirty. Unworthy. Condemned. Fit for destruction.

Hallelujah, God's plan overthrows the condemning sentence. In Him, we can be created anew. He can declare us-

Cleansed. Beautiful. Righteous. Forgiven. Chosen.

I know this illogical story to be true. I have experienced it myself. Yet, I still find it hard to fully comprehend. Oh, the mystery of God's plan! What wondrous grace and mercy it displays. Although I cannot reason it out, I long for the day it is finally complete and I will bow before His throne. I will be cleansed, wearing a robe of salvation which is white as snow.

Ah, sinful nation, a people loaded with guilt, a brood of evildoers, children given to corruption! They have forsaken the LORD; they have spurned the Holy One of Israel and turned their backs on him.

"Come now, let us reason together," says the LORD. "though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow."

Isaiah 1:4,18

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Renewed Reverence

I walked through the Old City of Jerusalem toward the Western Wall in amazement. I still could not believe God had blessed me with the gift of traveling to His city and walking among His people. What a beautiful people they were.

At the Western Wall, I observed the people as they lifted prayers toward heaven. Each person stood in reverence swaying as they conversed with God. I discovered later that a devout Jew will remain in constant movement while in the Presence of Jehovah. A simple, but effective way, to remind himself that idleness and complacency are not what He desires.

With my interest piqued, I continued to watch and observe and found there are many ways the Jewish people demonstrate an uncomparable respect for the Only True God. A practicing Jew will not speak the name of God. Rather than saying the name aloud, Jewish people refer to Yahweh with the Hebrew term, Hashem, which literally means The Name. This substitue is used because they believe His name is too precious to causually roll from common and unworthy lips.

In writings by a Jew, you will not find the various names of God (including Hashem, YHVH, Elohim, and El Shaddai) written in their complete forms. For example, God is written as G-d. If God's name is recorded onto a piece of paper, there is the possibility that The Name will be disrespected, such as being erased, defaced by being crossed out or scribbled upon, torn, thrown in the trash, or ravaged in some other way.

I realize these outward demonstrations cannot effectively reflect the intent of the heart. Even while adhering to these customs, a Jew's thoughts and heart may be far from God. But as I witnessed these practices, I couldn't help but examine my own life.

I don't have to travel to an ancient wall to feel near the presence of Almighty God. This holy God came to earth as man and gave His life for mine. His Spirit now resides within me. He is with me continually, even when I am unaware. I love to praise His name aloud. When faced with a problem, my first reaction is to speak His name.

Unfortunately, constant companionship can cause me to treat this relationship as if it is commonplace. Oh, what an error! This relationship is the greatest gift I will ever receive. While God has called me His friend, I must never forget who He is.

He is Almighty God. The only True God.
He has always been. He will always be.
He is Truth and Justice.
He has made all my eyes can see and beyond.
He is more than I can wrap my mind around.
He is Holy. He is mine because He gave Himself freely.
His position and person demands my reverence.

He commanded them, saying, "Thus you shall act in the fear of the Lord, faithfully and with a loyal heart." 2 Chronicles 19:9

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Proverbs 9:10

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Choose Your Words Wisely

I went to a shower recently were a bridesmaid carefully recorded every statement the bride utterred as she opened her gifts. After the bride finished, the bridesmaid read her comments aloud for all to hear. The guests sat and giggled in appreciation as they listened to her numerous statements of surprise and gratitude. She must have said "Oh, I love it" a hundred times!

I couldn't help but wonder what might be recorded if someone did the same to me. I concluded my words might not be too offensive on a day things were going my way. It is easier to smile and speak kindness on easy days. But would I be embarrassed by my words on a day full of tests and tribulation?

I often forget the power my words possess. I have the ability to speak words that inspire and increase faith in those around me. I have the ability to speak blessings and life while encouraging a brother or sister to stay the course. I have the ability to build up my family, my friends, and all those around me. But with this power also comes the ability to tear down, discourage, and even hurt those who fallen within earshot.

In fact, the power of my words extends beyond direct comments to a person. Even when talking about the challenges in life or a specific situation, my words produce an effect. While I might not speak direct slander, the words from my mouth can be destructive. Do I search out the positive in each and every situation and comment accordingly? Do I see and speak with a godly perspective? Or do my words reveal opinions and thougths viewed through a wordly lens? How conscious am I about speaking blessings rather than complaints and strife?

My statements alone will reveal the innermost condition of my heart. If I choose to honor this power I have been granted, I will submit my thoughts and my tongue to His control. God's desire is for our actions and our statements to glorify Him. Friend, ask Him to give you a clean heart, renew in you a right spirit, and help you choose your words wisely!

"With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursings. My brothers, this should not be." James 3:9-10