Friday, September 7, 2012

Near Drought Conditions

Rain has been a scarce and sacred thing in the Midwest this summer. Everywhere I look the once green and luscious landscape is brown and brittle. People have engaged in all out war just to keep lawns, flowers, and bushes alive. Even well established trees are in danger because the water table in the ground has receded by significant levels. Surprisingly, although the grasses are dead, weeds seem to be thriving. People are still mowing, but only to take out the weeds which continue to sprout in the desolate conditions.

As I marveled at the resilience of the weeds, I can’t help but make comparisons to my own spirituality. In the gospel of John, Jesus explains to the Samaritan woman that He provides Living Water. Jesus explains that all who come to Him will never thirst again. Connecting with my Savior allows Him to fill me each day with this Living Water He so generously supplies. But often, I let my time with Him decrease until I am living in near drought conditions. When this occurs, the fruits of the spirit struggle to survive and the weeds of the flesh seem to flourish.

 In his letter, James describes two types of living conditions. In chapter 5, James reveals that those who live in earthly conditions (lack of spiritual water) will see envy, bitterness, and selfish ambition quickly grow. Those who remain connected to the Source of Life will experience good fruits such as peace and mercy.

Here are a few questions to help you take inventory of your current growing conditions:

  • What characteristics seem to be multiplying the quickest in your life?
  • How would you currently describe the spiritual climate in your life, your family, and your church?
  • How often and in what ways are you connecting to the Living Water?
  • What action steps can you take today to help replenish the water table in your soul?


“Whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”  John 4:14

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